The making of MAI: Technical development

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlePopular

Original languageEnglish
JournalThe making of MAI: Technical development
Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 2023


  • mindlabs
  • making of


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  • MAI (Mindlabs AI)

    Relouw, J. (PI), Pereira Santos, C. (CoI), Hagen, J. (CoI), van Buggenum, A. (CoI), Voskens, N. (CoI), Trinh, A. (CoI), van Apeldoorn, N. (CoI), Tosheva, B. (CoI), Kuijten, A. (CoI), Rolling, J. (CoI), Copijn, Y. (CoI), van der Plas, M. (CoI), Nijhuis, E. (CoI), Olup, K. (CoI), van Balen, J. (CoI) & Dilven, M. (CoI)



    Project: Research

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