The dancer awakens (Hololens)

M Klaassen (Producer), MA van der Kroft (Producer), M Haggis (Storywriter), CA Pereira Santos (Producer), S Wisniewski (Producer), JJEA Relouw (3D Artist), A van Buggenum (3D Artist), R Janssen (3D Artist), J van de Haterd (Programmer), J Koevoets (Motion Capture), B Drees (Motion Capture), M Liljenhjerte (Motion Capture), G Smits (Motion Capture), I Boonstra (Motion Capture), W Davis (Music)

Research output: Non-textual formGame

Original languageEnglish
PublisherCradle (producer)
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2017


  • Creativelab
  • hololens
  • Cradle
  • dancer
  • AR


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