MAI (Mindlabs AI) Opening Video.

Carlos Pereira Santos (Developer), J Hagen (Developer), Alexander van Buggenum (Developer), Joey Relouw (Developer), N. Voskens (Developer), A. Trinh (Developer), Nick van Apeldoorn (Developer), B. Tosheva (Developer), A Kuijten (Developer), J Rolling (Developer), Y Copijn (Developer), M van der Plas (Developer), E Nijhuis (Developer), K Olup (Developer), J van Balen (Developer), M Dilven (Other)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


The objective was to create a video clip of 60-90 seconds in which Mai was presented during the opening of MindLabs building. Mai had to convey MindLabs message: "Helping to address societal challenges using human-centered AI and technology and connecting researchers, developers, students, entrepreneurs, social institutions, and governments for this purpose."
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCradle R&D Lab, Academy for Games and Media/Breda University of Applied Sciences
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • MAI
  • AI
  • mindlabs
  • opening
  • innovation
  • video
  • animation
  • unreal
  • epic
  • rendering


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  • MAI (Mindlabs AI)

    Relouw, J. (PI), Pereira Santos, C. (CoI), Hagen, J. (CoI), van Buggenum, A. (CoI), Voskens, N. (CoI), Trinh, A. (CoI), van Apeldoorn, N. (CoI), Tosheva, B. (CoI), Kuijten, A. (CoI), Rolling, J. (CoI), Copijn, Y. (CoI), van der Plas, M. (CoI), Nijhuis, E. (CoI), Olup, K. (CoI), van Balen, J. (CoI) & Dilven, M. (CoI)



    Project: Research

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