Enablers and inhibitors of digitalization as part of continuous improvement

A Kokkinou, T van Kollenburg, S van Doren, G Mathijssen, E Vissers, L Hoogendoorn, P van Herpt

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To deal with an increasingly competitive environment, organizations are combining continuous improvement (CI) practices with digitalization to accrue their benefits on operational performance and achieve operational excellence. Using a mixed-methods approach consisting of an online survey and semi-structured interviews, we examined how digitalization technologies have been incorporated in CI projects by organizations. Besides significant relationships between the nature of CI initiative and the use of digitalization tools, we found key enablers for organizations to be system compatibility, room to experiment, data-driven decision-making and step-by-step introduction with involvement of stakeholders. These enablers were found to be interlinked through knowledge of digitalization.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2023
Event30th EurOMA Conference
- KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Duration: 3 Jul 20235 Jul 2023


Conference30th EurOMA Conference
Internet address


  • lean
  • digital transformation
  • digitalization


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