Wait A Minute: Eye-tracking attention for digital advertising in waiting conditions.

Project: Research

Project Details


JIC BRO has recently launched its improved measurement methodology for OOH-advertising, BRO Next. Now this is ready, JIC BRO wants to add more realistic data to the attention-metric, as it has several areas to improve upon. Currently, benchmark data is international and not behavioral but claimed (tested on a computer screen, questions are asking a lot (too much) from consumers: e.g. ‘Please imagine that you are driving in your car…’). Therefore, JIC BRO asked a core team of human attention professionals to develop a methodology that is futureproof and can be used in any OOH-area. At the same time this project wants to develop new knowledge on attention behavior and measurements in waiting conditions.

Societal issue
The needs and harms around pervasive messages in public spaces.

Collaborative partner
Haystack Consulting.
Effective start/end date1/01/2431/12/26




  • attention
  • eye-tracking
  • digital advertising
  • waiting time
  • public transportation
  • OOH


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