6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Dr. Moji Shahvali with the persons below:
Adriaan van Liempt
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Lecturer and Researcher in Sociology, Methodology and Data Science
Person: Educational staff
Pieter de Rooij
Person: Educational staff
Marcel Bastiaansen
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Full Professor
- Leisure and Tourism Experiences
Person: Educational staff
Wim Strijbosch
Person: Educational staff
Dr. ir. Bertine Bargeman
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Program Director MSc Leisure and Tourism Studies, Senior Researcher and Lecturer
- Storytelling
Person: Educational staff
Dr. Jelena Farkić
- Academy for Tourism - Lecturer/Researcher
- Research group for Tourism Impacts on Society
Person: Educational staff