Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 106 results
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Tourism and transport: cross-sectoral cooperation.
Nesterova, N. (Invited speaker)
7 Nov 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
AI to Z: utopian and dystopian futures in smart destination planning.
Nesterova, N. (Invited speaker)
23 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Measuring resident benefits: Exploration of indicators and methodologies.
van den Heuvel, E. (Speaker)
26 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Toerisme, luchtvaart, duurzaam! Hoe zit dat?
Peeters, P. (Keynote speaker)
12 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Duurzaam toerisme en luchtvaart.
Peeters, P. (Keynote speaker)
30 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Long-haul tourism mobility
Peeters, P. (Invited speaker)
27 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Sustainable tourism mobility: tourism railway products.
van den Heuvel, E. (Speaker)
27 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Sustainable tourism mobility.
Nesterova, N. (Invited speaker)
15 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Technische briefing verduurzaming luchtvaart.
Peeters, P. (Keynote speaker)
3 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Smart and Just Session.
Nesterova, N. (Speaker)
30 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Leven met Schiphol in tijden van klimaatcrisis
Buijtendijk, H. (Invited speaker)
7 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Sustainable tourism transport.
Nesterova, N. (Speaker)
5 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Educational network and youth.
Nesterova, N. (Speaker)
4 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
De luchtvaartafhankelijkheid van de Nederlandse reisbranche in tijden van klimaatcrisis.
Buijtendijk, H. (Invited speaker)
22 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Nesterova, N. (Speaker)
7 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
‘Envisioning Tourism in 2030’ The Tourism Decarbonisation Scenario (TDS)
Peeters, P. (Speaker)
5 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Contribution to panel discussion.
Peeters, P. (Invited speaker)
6 Mar 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
ETOA Webinar | Tourism in 2030: tough choices ahead.
Peeters, P. (Invited speaker)
31 Jan 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
A radical sustainability agenda for tourism
Buijtendijk, H. (Invited speaker)
23 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
‘Nothing beats a beach holiday.’ Mass tourism consumption as a biopolitical force in a post-Covid 19 European Union
Buijtendijk, H. (Invited speaker)
22 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Het einde van de groei.
Peeters, P. (Keynote speaker)
15 Oct 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Contextual approach in fieldwork.
Cakmak, E. (Speaker)
27 Sept 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Deep dive inzichten
Eijgelaar, E. (Invited speaker)
26 Sept 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Introduction assignment 'conference with industry'
Buijtendijk, H. (Invited speaker)
19 Sept 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Beyond polder model truisms and towards more effective governance of sustainability transitions in Dutch tourism policy.
Buijtendijk, H. (Invited speaker)
19 Sept 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Toerisme in het Antropoceen. Hoe brengen we toerisme in harmonie met Gaia.
Buijtendijk, H. (Invited speaker)
9 Sept 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
CELTH Sustainability research agenda tourism, hospitality, and recreation.
Buijtendijk, H. (Speaker)
22 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Sustainability research agenda for tourism, hopsitality, and recreation.
Buijtendijk, H. (Invited speaker)
14 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Sustainability research agenda for tourism, hospitality, recreation.
Buijtendijk, H. (Invited speaker)
24 Feb 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Agritourists and agritourism markets.
Cakmak, E. (Invited speaker)
25 Nov 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Decarbonising Aviation and Tourism (Panel discussion)
Peeters, P. (Keynote speaker)
1 Nov 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Sheltered employment and inclusive growth in international tourism.
Cakmak, E. (Invited speaker)
15 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Update van de factsheet Toekomst Verduurzaming luchtvaart
Peeters, P. (Keynote speaker) & Melkert, I. J. (Keynote speaker)
21 Jun 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
David Suzuki speaks with passion about why action to reduce aviation emissions is needed NOW!
Suzuki, D. (Invited speaker), Goodwin, H. (Interviewer), Lyle, C. (Interviewer) & Peeters, P. (Interviewer)
2 Jun 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
The future of air travel : climate change
Peeters, P. (Invited speaker)
21 May 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Glocalization of the tourism industry : homogenisation versus distinctiveness
Cakmak, E. (Invited speaker)
21 Apr 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Sustainable aviation between Wizards and Prophets : How to sustainably develop a complex system?
Peeters, P. (Keynote speaker)
12 Jan 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Klimaat en luchtvaart
Peeters, P. (Speaker)
12 Nov 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Toerisme en recreatie post-2020: hoe houden we de duurzaamheidsbalans positief?
Eijgelaar, E. (Invited speaker)
1 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Scenarios for zero-emissions aviationThe ‘wicked’ problem of aviation
Peeters, P. (Keynote speaker)
26 Feb 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Towards zero emissions tourism ‘The ‘wicked’ aviation problem (Keynote)
Peeters, P. (Keynote speaker)
21 Feb 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Grote kansen internationale trein Op weg naar de eeuw van ‘Treintrots’
Peeters, P. (Keynote speaker)
27 Jan 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Debate: The future of aviation. Debate with Thijs Boonekamp
Peeters, P. (Invited speaker)
28 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Toerisme ambities Nationale Parken Nieuwe Stijl : de rol van vervoer en CO2
Eijgelaar, E. (Invited speaker)
13 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Overtourism: impact and possible policy responses
Peeters, P. (Keynote speaker)
6 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Groene groei van het vervoer. Het ‘verhaal’ van het spoor
Peeters, P. (Invited speaker)
27 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Emissieloze luchtvaart in 2050?De rol van brandstof en vliegtuig
Peeters, P. (Invited speaker)
24 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Academic travel and climate change. The academic flying dilemma
Peeters, P. (Speaker)
22 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
The future of work: human capital in tourism
Dijkmans, C. (Keynote speaker)
26 Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Tourism in Europe
Piket, P. (Invited speaker)
18 Mar 2019 → 22 Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)