- 1 - 50 out of 59 results
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Peter van der Aalst
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Management Team Member, Professional Doctorate Candidate & Lecturer
- Placemaking and Events
Person: Educational management staff
Fereshteh Adi Saatlo Anzures
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Lecturer and Researcher Leisure & Events Management
Dr. ir. Bertine Bargeman
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Program Director MSc Leisure and Tourism Studies, Senior Researcher and Lecturer
- Storytelling
Person: Educational staff
Marcel Bastiaansen
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Full Professor
- Leisure and Tourism Experiences
Person: Educational staff
Wilco Boode
- Academy for AI, Games & Media - XR Design & Lab Coordinator
- Leisure and Tourism Experiences
- Digital Media Concepts
- Serious Games, Innovation & Society
- Creative and Entertainment Games
Person: Support staff
Marisa De Brito
Person: Educational staff
Licia Calvi
- Academy for Tourism - Senior Lecturer and Researcher (Museum) experience design and storytelling
- Storytelling
- Digital Transformation in Cultural Tourism
Celiane Camargo-Borges, PhD
- Academy for Leisure & Events
- Academy for Tourism - Senior Lecturer and Researcher
- Digital Transformation in Cultural Tourism
Person: Educational staff
Prof Dr. Jörn Fricke
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Professor Leisure in a Social Context
- Leisure in a Social Context
Anne-Marie Geijsel
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Project Support Team Member
Person: Educational support staff
Dorothé Gerritsen
Person: Educational staff
Adriaan van Liempt
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Lecturer and Researcher in Sociology, Methodology and Data Science
- Leisure and Tourism Experiences
- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DSAI)
Person: Educational staff
Ondrej Mitas
- Academy for Tourism - Lecturer
- Leisure and Tourism Experiences
- Research group for Tourism Impacts on Society
- Storytelling
Person: Educational staff
Ronald van Olderen
Person: Educational staff
Esther Peperkamp
Person: Educational staff
Pieter de Rooij
Person: Educational staff
Ewout Sanders
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Management Team Member / Lecturer
- Placemaking and Events
Person: Educational management staff
Dr. Moji Shahvali
Person: Educational staff
Andrew Shaw
- Academy for Leisure & Events - Lecturer and Researcher
- Placemaking and Events
Person: Educational staff
Bart Stadhouders
Person: Educational staff
Wim Strijbosch
Person: Educational staff