Activities per year
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Leisure4Health: de vergrijzing verzilveren
Vermeulen, J. (Speaker)
11 Jun 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Investeren in geluk, de meerwaarde van ouderen in het sociale weefsel
Rooijackers, M. (Speaker)
4 Jun 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Investeren in geluk, de meerwaarde van ouderen in het sociale weefsel
Vermeulen, J. (Speaker)
4 Jun 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Investeren in geluk: vernieuwende leisure concepten voor ouderen
Rooijackers, M. (Speaker)
18 May 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Investeren in geluk: vernieuwende leisure concepten voor ouderen
Vermeulen, J. (Speaker)
18 May 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Investeren in geluk: meer oog voor de huisvesting en mobiliteit van ouderen
Rooijackers, M. (Speaker)
14 May 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Investeren in geluk: meer oog voor de huisvesting en mobiliteit van ouderen
Vermeulen, J. (Speaker)
14 May 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Investeren in geluk: de zorgbehoefte van ouderen breder bekeken
Rooijackers, M. (Speaker)
12 May 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Investeren in geluk: de zorgbehoefte van ouderen breder bekeken
Vermeulen, J. (Speaker)
12 May 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Toekomst van de zorg : Event: De ideale connectie
Rooijackers, M. (Speaker)
1 Jan 2009Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Contribution at workshop, seminar, course
Oscillatory neuronal dynamics during language comprehension
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
A dynamic view on the brain's language comprehension network
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ) (Journal)
Ferla, J. (Referee)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Event-related synchronization and desynchronization
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ) (Journal)
Ferla, J. (Referee)
2008Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Presentatie en workshops over creative co-makership
de Wijs, S. (Speaker)
2 Oct 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Presentatie en workshops over creative co-makership
Zegers, K. (Speaker)
2 Oct 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
The influence of educational events with blended learning formats (face-to-face and online) on the participants’ experience.
De Brito, M. (Supervisor)
30 Sept 2007Activity: Examination › PhD supervisor / committee
Presentatie creatieve industrie en Colin
de Wijs, S. (Speaker)
3 Apr 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Presentatie creatieve industrie en Colin
Zegers, K. (Speaker)
3 Apr 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Fast dynamics in the brain’s language comprehension network
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Fast dynamics in the brain’s language comprehension network
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Functions of attention in general cognition
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
BOLD correlates of the postmovement beta rebound
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
13 Mar 2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
The cognitive neuroscience of language comprehension
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
MEG reflections of syntactic unification
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Oscillatory brain activity : a window on the network dynamics underlying language comprehension
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Mar 2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Oscillatory brain dynamics during language comprehension
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Feb 2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Co-registratie van EEG en MRI toegepast bij beweging
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Nov 2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Studying the binding problem for language comprehension : Oscillatory Brain Dynamics during language processing.
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Jun 2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Oscillatory brain dynamics related to language processing
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Mar 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
EEG theta power is sensitive to different aspects of language processing
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Nov 2001Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Using ERD in cognitive paradigms : methodological advances
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Dec 2000Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
World Leisure Journal (Journal)
De Brito, M. (Editorial board member)
15 Sept 2000Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
ERD as a tool for studing cognitive functions
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Aug 2000Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Desynchronisatie in het MEG: methodologische ontwikkelingen
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Mar 2000Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
ERD as a tool for studying motor functions
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Dec 1999Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Does ERD reveal modality-specificity in the organisation of anticipatory attention?
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Dec 1999Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
ERD and anticipatory attention
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
May 1999Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
ERD as a tool for studying anticipatory attention
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
May 1999Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
ERD as a tool for studying movement processing.
Bastiaansen, M. (Speaker)
Jan 1999Activity: Talk or presentation › Guest lectures/talks/presentations (not at a conference)
Leergang/Expeditie Vernieuwend Leiderschap in de Publieke Sector
Nijs, D. (Speaker)
30 Jun 0202Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Contribution at workshop, seminar, course