ATLAS Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research (External organisation)

Activity: MembershipMembership of board


ATLAS (with 150 university members across the globe) promotes links between member institutions through regular meetings and information exchange. The main activities of ATLAS are: organising conferences on issues in tourism and leisure education and research; information services and publications, including the ATLAS website, member portal and the yearbook ATLAS Reflections; designing and coordinating curriculum development projects under the SOCRATES programme; running international courses, such as the ATLAS Winter University in Europe and the Summer Course in Asia; organisation of and participation in transnational research projects, for example on cultural tourism and sustainable tourism, and information technology; research publications and reports.
Period1 Jul 2024
Held atATLAS Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research


  • tourism and hospitality research
  • tourism education
  • international cooperation
  • networking